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  • Teething
Navigating the Challenges of Teething: Effective Tips and Tricks

Navigating the Challenges of Teething: Effective Tips and Tricks

Teething can disrupt the newfound rhythm of the newborn stage, but there are effective ways to help soothe your baby’s sore gums. Teething toys, especially when cooled, can provide relief, while gently rubbing the gums or using food like cool cucumber or frozen banana can also help. Some parents find teething gels and powders beneficial. Comforting cuddles and over-the-counter pain relief can further ease your baby's discomfort. Additionally, managing teething-related issues like nappy rash and dribbling with bandana bibs and fresh air time can be helpful. The Little Baby Brand offers a range of high-quality muslins and teething toys to support you and your baby through this stage.

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